Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Product Highlight: Toro Snow Blowers

The Midwest has gotten quite a lot of snow this year; definitely more than our usual. If you've been getting by pushing the snow around with a shovel, now is the time to upgrade to a more back-friendly method of snow removal.
Behold the glorious snow blower!

Toro offers several models of snow blowers to meet different budgets and consumer needs. If you have a small driveway, the biggest model is probably more than you need. On the other hand, if you're trying to clear a large driveway, patio, sidewalk, or other area, you need a snow blower big enough to do the job well.

Toro PowerClear180
The PowerClear 180 has an 18" clear width and 25' throw distance. With its 4-cycle, OHV engine it provides power as well as portability. Recoil start or electric start options available.

Pricing starts at $399.95.

Purchase or view more info about the PowerClear 180 here.

Toro PowerClear 210

The 210 offers more power for larger areas to clear at a great price. With a 21" clearing width and a 30' throw distance, it can make quick work of snow.
With an R-Tek Engine, Power Propel Drive System, and 2-year warranty, this machine is a great investment for winter.

Pricing starts at $559.95.

Purchase or view more info about the PowerClear 210 here.

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